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Build a Google Font picker

To show various Google fonts in a font picker and load them once the user selects them, first install @remotion/google-fonts (at least v3.3.64).

This feature is only available if @remotion/google-fonts is imported as an ES Module. If it is imported as a CommonJS module instead, loading a font will throw an error.

Call getAvailableFonts() to get a list of Google Fonts and call .load() to load a specific font. Afterwards, you can call getInfo() to retrieve available styles and weights.

Use the fontFamily CSS property to apply a font.

Remember that if you want to render a video with said font, you also need to load the font inside the Remotion video. You can do it in the same way, by looping through the available fonts, finding the font you want to load and then load it.

Show all fonts in a font picker

The following snippet renders a dropdown with all Google Fonts, and loads one it it has been selected. The list is approximately 1400 fonts.

import { getAvailableFonts } from "@remotion/google-fonts";
import React from "react";
export const FontPicker: React.FC = () => {
const newFonts = getAvailableFonts();
return (
onChange={(e) => {
const fonts = newFonts[];
const loaded = fonts.load();
loaded.then((l) => {
const info = l.getInfo();
const styles = Object.keys(info.fonts);
console.log("Font", info.fontFamily, " Styles", styles);
for (const style of styles) {
const weightObject = info.fonts[style as keyof typeof info.fonts];
const weights = Object.keys(weightObject);
console.log("- Style", style, "supports weights", weights);
for (const weight of weights) {
const scripts = Object.keys(weightObject[weight]);
console.log("-- Weight", weight, "supports scripts", scripts);
{ => {
return (
<option key={f.importName} value={f.importName}>
import { getAvailableFonts } from "@remotion/google-fonts";
import React from "react";
export const FontPicker: React.FC = () => {
const newFonts = getAvailableFonts();
return (
onChange={(e) => {
const fonts = newFonts[];
const loaded = fonts.load();
loaded.then((l) => {
const info = l.getInfo();
const styles = Object.keys(info.fonts);
console.log("Font", info.fontFamily, " Styles", styles);
for (const style of styles) {
const weightObject = info.fonts[style as keyof typeof info.fonts];
const weights = Object.keys(weightObject);
console.log("- Style", style, "supports weights", weights);
for (const weight of weights) {
const scripts = Object.keys(weightObject[weight]);
console.log("-- Weight", weight, "supports scripts", scripts);
{ => {
return (
<option key={f.importName} value={f.importName}>

To reduce bundle size, you can limit the selection. Instead of calling getAvailableFonts(), create a file with the following contents and use it as the fonts array:

export const top250 = [
{ family: "ABeeZee", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ABeeZee") },
{ family: "Abel", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Abel") },
family: "Abril Fatface",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AbrilFatface"),
{ family: "Acme", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Acme") },
family: "Advent Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AdventPro"),
{ family: "Alata", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Alata") },
{ family: "Alegreya", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Alegreya") },
family: "Alegreya Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AlegreyaSans"),
family: "Alegreya Sans SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AlegreyaSansSC"),
{ family: "Aleo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Aleo") },
family: "Alfa Slab One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AlfaSlabOne"),
{ family: "Alice", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Alice") },
{ family: "Almarai", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Almarai") },
family: "Amatic SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AmaticSC"),
{ family: "Amiri", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Amiri") },
family: "Antic Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AnticSlab"),
{ family: "Anton", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Anton") },
{ family: "Antonio", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Antonio") },
family: "Architects Daughter",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ArchitectsDaughter"),
{ family: "Archivo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Archivo") },
family: "Archivo Black",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ArchivoBlack"),
family: "Archivo Narrow",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ArchivoNarrow"),
{ family: "Arimo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arimo") },
{ family: "Arsenal", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arsenal") },
{ family: "Arvo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arvo") },
{ family: "Asap", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Asap") },
family: "Asap Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AsapCondensed"),
family: "Assistant",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Assistant"),
{ family: "Baloo 2", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Baloo2") },
{ family: "Bangers", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Bangers") },
{ family: "Barlow", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Barlow") },
family: "Barlow Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BarlowCondensed"),
family: "Barlow Semi Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BarlowSemiCondensed"),
family: "Be Vietnam Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BeVietnamPro"),
family: "Bebas Neue",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BebasNeue"),
{ family: "Bitter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Bitter") },
family: "Bodoni Moda",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BodoniModa"),
family: "Bree Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BreeSerif"),
{ family: "Cabin", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cabin") },
{ family: "Cairo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cairo") },
family: "Cantarell",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cantarell"),
{ family: "Cardo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cardo") },
family: "Carter One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CarterOne"),
family: "Catamaran",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Catamaran"),
{ family: "Caveat", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Caveat") },
family: "Chakra Petch",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ChakraPetch"),
{ family: "Changa", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Changa") },
{ family: "Chivo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Chivo") },
{ family: "Cinzel", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cinzel") },
family: "Comfortaa",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Comfortaa"),
family: "Commissioner",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Commissioner"),
family: "Concert One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ConcertOne"),
{ family: "Cookie", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cookie") },
family: "Cormorant",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cormorant"),
family: "Cormorant Garamond",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CormorantGaramond"),
family: "Courgette",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Courgette"),
family: "Crete Round",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CreteRound"),
family: "Crimson Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CrimsonPro"),
family: "Crimson Text",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CrimsonText"),
{ family: "Cuprum", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cuprum") },
{ family: "DM Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DMSans") },
family: "DM Serif Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DMSerifDisplay"),
family: "DM Serif Text",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DMSerifText"),
family: "Dancing Script",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DancingScript"),
family: "Didact Gothic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DidactGothic"),
{ family: "Domine", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Domine") },
{ family: "Dosis", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Dosis") },
family: "EB Garamond",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/EBGaramond"),
family: "El Messiri",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ElMessiri"),
family: "Encode Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/EncodeSans"),
{ family: "Exo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Exo") },
{ family: "Exo 2", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Exo2") },
{ family: "Faustina", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Faustina") },
{ family: "Figtree", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Figtree") },
family: "Fira Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSans"),
family: "Fira Sans Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSansCondensed"),
family: "Fira Sans Extra Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSansExtraCondensed"),
family: "Fjalla One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FjallaOne"),
family: "Francois One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FrancoisOne"),
family: "Frank Ruhl Libre",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FrankRuhlLibre"),
{ family: "Gelasio", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Gelasio") },
family: "Gloria Hallelujah",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/GloriaHallelujah"),
family: "Gothic A1",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/GothicA1"),
family: "Great Vibes",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/GreatVibes"),
{ family: "Gruppo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Gruppo") },
{ family: "Handlee", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Handlee") },
{ family: "Heebo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Heebo") },
{ family: "Hind", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Hind") },
family: "Hind Madurai",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/HindMadurai"),
family: "Hind Siliguri",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/HindSiliguri"),
family: "IBM Plex Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexMono"),
family: "IBM Plex Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSans"),
family: "IBM Plex Sans Arabic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSansArabic"),
family: "IBM Plex Sans Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSansCondensed"),
family: "IBM Plex Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSerif"),
family: "Inconsolata",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inconsolata"),
family: "Indie Flower",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IndieFlower"),
{ family: "Inter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inter") },
family: "Josefin Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/JosefinSans"),
family: "Josefin Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/JosefinSlab"),
{ family: "Jost", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Jost") },
{ family: "Kalam", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Kalam") },
{ family: "Kanit", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Kanit") },
{ family: "Karla", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Karla") },
family: "Kaushan Script",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/KaushanScript"),
{ family: "Khand", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Khand") },
family: "Kosugi Maru",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/KosugiMaru"),
{ family: "Lato", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lato") },
{ family: "Lexend", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lexend") },
family: "Lexend Deca",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LexendDeca"),
family: "Libre Baskerville",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LibreBaskerville"),
family: "Libre Franklin",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LibreFranklin"),
family: "Lilita One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LilitaOne"),
{ family: "Lobster", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lobster") },
family: "Lobster Two",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LobsterTwo"),
{ family: "Lora", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lora") },
family: "Luckiest Guy",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LuckiestGuy"),
{ family: "M PLUS 1p", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MPLUS1p") },
family: "M PLUS Rounded 1c",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MPLUSRounded1c"),
{ family: "Manrope", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Manrope") },
family: "Marcellus",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Marcellus"),
family: "Marck Script",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MarckScript"),
{ family: "Martel", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Martel") },
{ family: "Mate", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mate") },
{ family: "Mate SC", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MateSC") },
family: "Maven Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MavenPro"),
family: "Merriweather",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Merriweather"),
family: "Merriweather Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MerriweatherSans"),
{ family: "Mitr", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mitr") },
family: "Montserrat",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Montserrat"),
family: "Montserrat Alternates",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MontserratAlternates"),
{ family: "Mr Dafoe", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MrDafoe") },
{ family: "Mukta", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mukta") },
family: "Mukta Malar",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MuktaMalar"),
{ family: "Mulish", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mulish") },
family: "Nanum Gothic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NanumGothic"),
family: "Nanum Myeongjo",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NanumMyeongjo"),
{ family: "Neucha", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Neucha") },
{ family: "Neuton", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Neuton") },
family: "News Cycle",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NewsCycle"),
family: "Noticia Text",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NoticiaText"),
family: "Noto Color Emoji",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoColorEmoji"),
family: "Noto Kufi Arabic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoKufiArabic"),
family: "Noto Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSans"),
family: "Noto Sans Arabic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansArabic"),
family: "Noto Sans Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansDisplay"),
family: "Noto Sans HK",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansHK"),
family: "Noto Sans JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansJP"),
family: "Noto Sans KR",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansKR"),
family: "Noto Sans SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansSC"),
family: "Noto Sans TC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansTC"),
family: "Noto Sans Thai",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansThai"),
family: "Noto Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerif"),
family: "Noto Serif JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerifJP"),
family: "Noto Serif KR",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerifKR"),
family: "Noto Serif TC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerifTC"),
{ family: "Nunito", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Nunito") },
family: "Nunito Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NunitoSans"),
family: "Old Standard TT",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/OldStandardTT"),
family: "Open Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/OpenSans"),
{ family: "Orbitron", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Orbitron") },
{ family: "Oswald", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oswald") },
{ family: "Outfit", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Outfit") },
{ family: "Overpass", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Overpass") },
{ family: "Oxygen", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oxygen") },
{ family: "PT Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSans") },
family: "PT Sans Caption",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSansCaption"),
family: "PT Sans Narrow",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSansNarrow"),
{ family: "PT Serif", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSerif") },
{ family: "Pacifico", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Pacifico") },
family: "Passion One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PassionOne"),
family: "Pathway Gothic One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PathwayGothicOne"),
family: "Patrick Hand",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PatrickHand"),
family: "Patua One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PatuaOne"),
family: "Paytone One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PaytoneOne"),
family: "Permanent Marker",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PermanentMarker"),
family: "Philosopher",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Philosopher"),
{ family: "Play", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Play") },
family: "Playfair Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlayfairDisplay"),
family: "Playfair Display SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlayfairDisplaySC"),
family: "Plus Jakarta Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlusJakartaSans"),
family: "Poiret One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PoiretOne"),
{ family: "Poppins", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Poppins") },
{ family: "Prata", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Prata") },
family: "Press Start 2P",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PressStart2P"),
{ family: "Prompt", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Prompt") },
family: "Public Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PublicSans"),
family: "Quattrocento",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Quattrocento"),
family: "Quattrocento Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/QuattrocentoSans"),
family: "Questrial",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Questrial"),
family: "Quicksand",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Quicksand"),
{ family: "Rajdhani", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rajdhani") },
{ family: "Raleway", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Raleway") },
family: "Red Hat Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RedHatDisplay"),
family: "Righteous",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Righteous"),
{ family: "Roboto", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Roboto") },
family: "Roboto Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoCondensed"),
family: "Roboto Flex",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoFlex"),
family: "Roboto Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoMono"),
family: "Roboto Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoSerif"),
family: "Roboto Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoSlab"),
{ family: "Rokkitt", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rokkitt") },
{ family: "Rowdies", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rowdies") },
{ family: "Rubik", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rubik") },
family: "Russo One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RussoOne"),
family: "Sacramento",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sacramento"),
{ family: "Saira", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Saira") },
family: "Saira Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SairaCondensed"),
{ family: "Sanchez", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sanchez") },
{ family: "Sarabun", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sarabun") },
{ family: "Satisfy", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Satisfy") },
family: "Sawarabi Gothic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SawarabiGothic"),
family: "Sawarabi Mincho",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SawarabiMincho"),
family: "Secular One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SecularOne"),
{ family: "Sen", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sen") },
family: "Shadows Into Light",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ShadowsIntoLight"),
{ family: "Signika", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Signika") },
family: "Signika Negative",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SignikaNegative"),
family: "Slabo 27px",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Slabo27px"),
{ family: "Sora", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sora") },
family: "Source Code Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SourceCodePro"),
family: "Source Serif 4",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SourceSerif4"),
family: "Space Grotesk",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SpaceGrotesk"),
family: "Space Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SpaceMono"),
family: "Special Elite",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SpecialElite"),
{ family: "Spectral", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Spectral") },
family: "Staatliches",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Staatliches"),
{ family: "Tajawal", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Tajawal") },
{ family: "Teko", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Teko") },
family: "Tenor Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/TenorSans"),
{ family: "Tinos", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Tinos") },
family: "Titillium Web",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/TitilliumWeb"),
{ family: "Ubuntu", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Ubuntu") },
family: "Ubuntu Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/UbuntuCondensed"),
family: "Ubuntu Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/UbuntuMono"),
{ family: "Ultra", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Ultra") },
family: "Unbounded",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Unbounded"),
{ family: "Unna", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Unna") },
{ family: "Urbanist", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Urbanist") },
family: "Varela Round",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/VarelaRound"),
{ family: "Vidaloka", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Vidaloka") },
{ family: "Viga", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Viga") },
{ family: "Vollkorn", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Vollkorn") },
family: "Work Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/WorkSans"),
family: "Yanone Kaffeesatz",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz"),
family: "Yantramanav",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Yantramanav"),
family: "Yellowtail",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Yellowtail"),
family: "Yeseva One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/YesevaOne"),
{ family: "Zeyada", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Zeyada") },
family: "Zilla Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ZillaSlab"),
export const top250 = [
{ family: "ABeeZee", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ABeeZee") },
{ family: "Abel", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Abel") },
family: "Abril Fatface",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AbrilFatface"),
{ family: "Acme", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Acme") },
family: "Advent Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AdventPro"),
{ family: "Alata", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Alata") },
{ family: "Alegreya", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Alegreya") },
family: "Alegreya Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AlegreyaSans"),
family: "Alegreya Sans SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AlegreyaSansSC"),
{ family: "Aleo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Aleo") },
family: "Alfa Slab One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AlfaSlabOne"),
{ family: "Alice", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Alice") },
{ family: "Almarai", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Almarai") },
family: "Amatic SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AmaticSC"),
{ family: "Amiri", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Amiri") },
family: "Antic Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AnticSlab"),
{ family: "Anton", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Anton") },
{ family: "Antonio", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Antonio") },
family: "Architects Daughter",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ArchitectsDaughter"),
{ family: "Archivo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Archivo") },
family: "Archivo Black",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ArchivoBlack"),
family: "Archivo Narrow",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ArchivoNarrow"),
{ family: "Arimo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arimo") },
{ family: "Arsenal", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arsenal") },
{ family: "Arvo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arvo") },
{ family: "Asap", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Asap") },
family: "Asap Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AsapCondensed"),
family: "Assistant",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Assistant"),
{ family: "Baloo 2", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Baloo2") },
{ family: "Bangers", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Bangers") },
{ family: "Barlow", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Barlow") },
family: "Barlow Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BarlowCondensed"),
family: "Barlow Semi Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BarlowSemiCondensed"),
family: "Be Vietnam Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BeVietnamPro"),
family: "Bebas Neue",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BebasNeue"),
{ family: "Bitter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Bitter") },
family: "Bodoni Moda",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BodoniModa"),
family: "Bree Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BreeSerif"),
{ family: "Cabin", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cabin") },
{ family: "Cairo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cairo") },
family: "Cantarell",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cantarell"),
{ family: "Cardo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cardo") },
family: "Carter One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CarterOne"),
family: "Catamaran",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Catamaran"),
{ family: "Caveat", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Caveat") },
family: "Chakra Petch",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ChakraPetch"),
{ family: "Changa", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Changa") },
{ family: "Chivo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Chivo") },
{ family: "Cinzel", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cinzel") },
family: "Comfortaa",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Comfortaa"),
family: "Commissioner",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Commissioner"),
family: "Concert One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ConcertOne"),
{ family: "Cookie", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cookie") },
family: "Cormorant",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cormorant"),
family: "Cormorant Garamond",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CormorantGaramond"),
family: "Courgette",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Courgette"),
family: "Crete Round",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CreteRound"),
family: "Crimson Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CrimsonPro"),
family: "Crimson Text",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CrimsonText"),
{ family: "Cuprum", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cuprum") },
{ family: "DM Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DMSans") },
family: "DM Serif Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DMSerifDisplay"),
family: "DM Serif Text",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DMSerifText"),
family: "Dancing Script",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DancingScript"),
family: "Didact Gothic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DidactGothic"),
{ family: "Domine", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Domine") },
{ family: "Dosis", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Dosis") },
family: "EB Garamond",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/EBGaramond"),
family: "El Messiri",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ElMessiri"),
family: "Encode Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/EncodeSans"),
{ family: "Exo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Exo") },
{ family: "Exo 2", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Exo2") },
{ family: "Faustina", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Faustina") },
{ family: "Figtree", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Figtree") },
family: "Fira Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSans"),
family: "Fira Sans Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSansCondensed"),
family: "Fira Sans Extra Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSansExtraCondensed"),
family: "Fjalla One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FjallaOne"),
family: "Francois One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FrancoisOne"),
family: "Frank Ruhl Libre",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FrankRuhlLibre"),
{ family: "Gelasio", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Gelasio") },
family: "Gloria Hallelujah",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/GloriaHallelujah"),
family: "Gothic A1",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/GothicA1"),
family: "Great Vibes",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/GreatVibes"),
{ family: "Gruppo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Gruppo") },
{ family: "Handlee", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Handlee") },
{ family: "Heebo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Heebo") },
{ family: "Hind", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Hind") },
family: "Hind Madurai",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/HindMadurai"),
family: "Hind Siliguri",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/HindSiliguri"),
family: "IBM Plex Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexMono"),
family: "IBM Plex Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSans"),
family: "IBM Plex Sans Arabic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSansArabic"),
family: "IBM Plex Sans Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSansCondensed"),
family: "IBM Plex Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSerif"),
family: "Inconsolata",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inconsolata"),
family: "Indie Flower",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IndieFlower"),
{ family: "Inter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inter") },
family: "Josefin Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/JosefinSans"),
family: "Josefin Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/JosefinSlab"),
{ family: "Jost", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Jost") },
{ family: "Kalam", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Kalam") },
{ family: "Kanit", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Kanit") },
{ family: "Karla", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Karla") },
family: "Kaushan Script",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/KaushanScript"),
{ family: "Khand", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Khand") },
family: "Kosugi Maru",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/KosugiMaru"),
{ family: "Lato", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lato") },
{ family: "Lexend", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lexend") },
family: "Lexend Deca",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LexendDeca"),
family: "Libre Baskerville",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LibreBaskerville"),
family: "Libre Franklin",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LibreFranklin"),
family: "Lilita One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LilitaOne"),
{ family: "Lobster", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lobster") },
family: "Lobster Two",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LobsterTwo"),
{ family: "Lora", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lora") },
family: "Luckiest Guy",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LuckiestGuy"),
{ family: "M PLUS 1p", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MPLUS1p") },
family: "M PLUS Rounded 1c",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MPLUSRounded1c"),
{ family: "Manrope", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Manrope") },
family: "Marcellus",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Marcellus"),
family: "Marck Script",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MarckScript"),
{ family: "Martel", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Martel") },
{ family: "Mate", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mate") },
{ family: "Mate SC", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MateSC") },
family: "Maven Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MavenPro"),
family: "Merriweather",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Merriweather"),
family: "Merriweather Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MerriweatherSans"),
{ family: "Mitr", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mitr") },
family: "Montserrat",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Montserrat"),
family: "Montserrat Alternates",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MontserratAlternates"),
{ family: "Mr Dafoe", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MrDafoe") },
{ family: "Mukta", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mukta") },
family: "Mukta Malar",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MuktaMalar"),
{ family: "Mulish", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mulish") },
family: "Nanum Gothic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NanumGothic"),
family: "Nanum Myeongjo",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NanumMyeongjo"),
{ family: "Neucha", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Neucha") },
{ family: "Neuton", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Neuton") },
family: "News Cycle",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NewsCycle"),
family: "Noticia Text",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NoticiaText"),
family: "Noto Color Emoji",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoColorEmoji"),
family: "Noto Kufi Arabic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoKufiArabic"),
family: "Noto Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSans"),
family: "Noto Sans Arabic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansArabic"),
family: "Noto Sans Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansDisplay"),
family: "Noto Sans HK",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansHK"),
family: "Noto Sans JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansJP"),
family: "Noto Sans KR",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansKR"),
family: "Noto Sans SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansSC"),
family: "Noto Sans TC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansTC"),
family: "Noto Sans Thai",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansThai"),
family: "Noto Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerif"),
family: "Noto Serif JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerifJP"),
family: "Noto Serif KR",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerifKR"),
family: "Noto Serif TC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerifTC"),
{ family: "Nunito", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Nunito") },
family: "Nunito Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NunitoSans"),
family: "Old Standard TT",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/OldStandardTT"),
family: "Open Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/OpenSans"),
{ family: "Orbitron", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Orbitron") },
{ family: "Oswald", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oswald") },
{ family: "Outfit", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Outfit") },
{ family: "Overpass", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Overpass") },
{ family: "Oxygen", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oxygen") },
{ family: "PT Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSans") },
family: "PT Sans Caption",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSansCaption"),
family: "PT Sans Narrow",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSansNarrow"),
{ family: "PT Serif", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSerif") },
{ family: "Pacifico", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Pacifico") },
family: "Passion One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PassionOne"),
family: "Pathway Gothic One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PathwayGothicOne"),
family: "Patrick Hand",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PatrickHand"),
family: "Patua One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PatuaOne"),
family: "Paytone One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PaytoneOne"),
family: "Permanent Marker",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PermanentMarker"),
family: "Philosopher",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Philosopher"),
{ family: "Play", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Play") },
family: "Playfair Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlayfairDisplay"),
family: "Playfair Display SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlayfairDisplaySC"),
family: "Plus Jakarta Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlusJakartaSans"),
family: "Poiret One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PoiretOne"),
{ family: "Poppins", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Poppins") },
{ family: "Prata", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Prata") },
family: "Press Start 2P",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PressStart2P"),
{ family: "Prompt", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Prompt") },
family: "Public Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PublicSans"),
family: "Quattrocento",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Quattrocento"),
family: "Quattrocento Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/QuattrocentoSans"),
family: "Questrial",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Questrial"),
family: "Quicksand",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Quicksand"),
{ family: "Rajdhani", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rajdhani") },
{ family: "Raleway", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Raleway") },
family: "Red Hat Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RedHatDisplay"),
family: "Righteous",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Righteous"),
{ family: "Roboto", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Roboto") },
family: "Roboto Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoCondensed"),
family: "Roboto Flex",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoFlex"),
family: "Roboto Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoMono"),
family: "Roboto Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoSerif"),
family: "Roboto Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoSlab"),
{ family: "Rokkitt", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rokkitt") },
{ family: "Rowdies", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rowdies") },
{ family: "Rubik", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rubik") },
family: "Russo One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RussoOne"),
family: "Sacramento",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sacramento"),
{ family: "Saira", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Saira") },
family: "Saira Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SairaCondensed"),
{ family: "Sanchez", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sanchez") },
{ family: "Sarabun", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sarabun") },
{ family: "Satisfy", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Satisfy") },
family: "Sawarabi Gothic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SawarabiGothic"),
family: "Sawarabi Mincho",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SawarabiMincho"),
family: "Secular One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SecularOne"),
{ family: "Sen", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sen") },
family: "Shadows Into Light",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ShadowsIntoLight"),
{ family: "Signika", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Signika") },
family: "Signika Negative",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SignikaNegative"),
family: "Slabo 27px",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Slabo27px"),
{ family: "Sora", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Sora") },
family: "Source Code Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SourceCodePro"),
family: "Source Serif 4",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SourceSerif4"),
family: "Space Grotesk",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SpaceGrotesk"),
family: "Space Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SpaceMono"),
family: "Special Elite",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SpecialElite"),
{ family: "Spectral", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Spectral") },
family: "Staatliches",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Staatliches"),
{ family: "Tajawal", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Tajawal") },
{ family: "Teko", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Teko") },
family: "Tenor Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/TenorSans"),
{ family: "Tinos", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Tinos") },
family: "Titillium Web",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/TitilliumWeb"),
{ family: "Ubuntu", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Ubuntu") },
family: "Ubuntu Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/UbuntuCondensed"),
family: "Ubuntu Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/UbuntuMono"),
{ family: "Ultra", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Ultra") },
family: "Unbounded",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Unbounded"),
{ family: "Unna", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Unna") },
{ family: "Urbanist", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Urbanist") },
family: "Varela Round",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/VarelaRound"),
{ family: "Vidaloka", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Vidaloka") },
{ family: "Viga", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Viga") },
{ family: "Vollkorn", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Vollkorn") },
family: "Work Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/WorkSans"),
family: "Yanone Kaffeesatz",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz"),
family: "Yantramanav",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Yantramanav"),
family: "Yellowtail",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Yellowtail"),
family: "Yeseva One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/YesevaOne"),
{ family: "Zeyada", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Zeyada") },
family: "Zilla Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ZillaSlab"),

To reduce bundle size, you can limit the selection. Instead of calling getAvailableFonts(), create a file with the following contents and use it as the fonts array:

export const top100 = [
{ family: "Abel", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Abel") },
family: "Abril Fatface",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AbrilFatface"),
{ family: "Anton", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Anton") },
{ family: "Archivo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Archivo") },
{ family: "Arimo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arimo") },
{ family: "Arvo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arvo") },
{ family: "Asap", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Asap") },
family: "Asap Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AsapCondensed"),
family: "Assistant",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Assistant"),
{ family: "Barlow", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Barlow") },
family: "Barlow Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BarlowCondensed"),
family: "Bebas Neue",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BebasNeue"),
{ family: "Bitter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Bitter") },
{ family: "Cabin", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cabin") },
{ family: "Cairo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cairo") },
family: "Catamaran",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Catamaran"),
{ family: "Caveat", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Caveat") },
family: "Comfortaa",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Comfortaa"),
family: "Cormorant Garamond",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CormorantGaramond"),
family: "Crimson Text",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CrimsonText"),
{ family: "DM Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DMSans") },
family: "Dancing Script",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DancingScript"),
{ family: "Dosis", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Dosis") },
family: "EB Garamond",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/EBGaramond"),
{ family: "Exo 2", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Exo2") },
family: "Fira Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSans"),
family: "Fira Sans Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSansCondensed"),
family: "Fjalla One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FjallaOne"),
{ family: "Heebo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Heebo") },
{ family: "Hind", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Hind") },
family: "Hind Madurai",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/HindMadurai"),
family: "Hind Siliguri",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/HindSiliguri"),
family: "IBM Plex Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexMono"),
family: "IBM Plex Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSans"),
family: "Inconsolata",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inconsolata"),
{ family: "Inter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inter") },
family: "Josefin Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/JosefinSans"),
{ family: "Jost", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Jost") },
{ family: "Kanit", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Kanit") },
{ family: "Karla", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Karla") },
{ family: "Lato", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lato") },
family: "Libre Baskerville",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LibreBaskerville"),
family: "Libre Franklin",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LibreFranklin"),
{ family: "Lobster", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lobster") },
{ family: "Lora", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lora") },
family: "M PLUS Rounded 1c",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MPLUSRounded1c"),
{ family: "Manrope", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Manrope") },
family: "Maven Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MavenPro"),
family: "Merriweather",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Merriweather"),
family: "Merriweather Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MerriweatherSans"),
family: "Montserrat",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Montserrat"),
{ family: "Mukta", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mukta") },
{ family: "Mulish", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mulish") },
family: "Nanum Gothic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NanumGothic"),
family: "Noto Color Emoji",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoColorEmoji"),
family: "Noto Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSans"),
family: "Noto Sans Arabic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansArabic"),
family: "Noto Sans JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansJP"),
family: "Noto Sans KR",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansKR"),
family: "Noto Sans SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansSC"),
family: "Noto Sans TC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansTC"),
family: "Noto Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerif"),
family: "Noto Serif JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerifJP"),
{ family: "Nunito", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Nunito") },
family: "Nunito Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NunitoSans"),
family: "Open Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/OpenSans"),
{ family: "Oswald", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oswald") },
{ family: "Overpass", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Overpass") },
{ family: "Oxygen", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oxygen") },
{ family: "PT Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSans") },
family: "PT Sans Narrow",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSansNarrow"),
{ family: "PT Serif", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSerif") },
{ family: "Pacifico", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Pacifico") },
family: "Playfair Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlayfairDisplay"),
{ family: "Poppins", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Poppins") },
{ family: "Prompt", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Prompt") },
family: "Public Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PublicSans"),
family: "Quicksand",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Quicksand"),
{ family: "Rajdhani", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rajdhani") },
{ family: "Raleway", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Raleway") },
family: "Red Hat Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RedHatDisplay"),
family: "Righteous",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Righteous"),
{ family: "Roboto", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Roboto") },
family: "Roboto Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoCondensed"),
family: "Roboto Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoMono"),
family: "Roboto Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoSlab"),
{ family: "Rubik", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rubik") },
family: "Shadows Into Light",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ShadowsIntoLight"),
family: "Signika Negative",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SignikaNegative"),
family: "Slabo 27px",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Slabo27px"),
family: "Source Code Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SourceCodePro"),
family: "Space Grotesk",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SpaceGrotesk"),
{ family: "Tajawal", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Tajawal") },
{ family: "Teko", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Teko") },
family: "Titillium Web",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/TitilliumWeb"),
{ family: "Ubuntu", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Ubuntu") },
family: "Varela Round",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/VarelaRound"),
family: "Work Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/WorkSans"),
family: "Yanone Kaffeesatz",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz"),
family: "Zilla Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ZillaSlab"),
export const top100 = [
{ family: "Abel", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Abel") },
family: "Abril Fatface",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AbrilFatface"),
{ family: "Anton", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Anton") },
{ family: "Archivo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Archivo") },
{ family: "Arimo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arimo") },
{ family: "Arvo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Arvo") },
{ family: "Asap", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Asap") },
family: "Asap Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/AsapCondensed"),
family: "Assistant",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Assistant"),
{ family: "Barlow", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Barlow") },
family: "Barlow Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BarlowCondensed"),
family: "Bebas Neue",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/BebasNeue"),
{ family: "Bitter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Bitter") },
{ family: "Cabin", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cabin") },
{ family: "Cairo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Cairo") },
family: "Catamaran",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Catamaran"),
{ family: "Caveat", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Caveat") },
family: "Comfortaa",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Comfortaa"),
family: "Cormorant Garamond",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CormorantGaramond"),
family: "Crimson Text",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/CrimsonText"),
{ family: "DM Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DMSans") },
family: "Dancing Script",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/DancingScript"),
{ family: "Dosis", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Dosis") },
family: "EB Garamond",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/EBGaramond"),
{ family: "Exo 2", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Exo2") },
family: "Fira Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSans"),
family: "Fira Sans Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FiraSansCondensed"),
family: "Fjalla One",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/FjallaOne"),
{ family: "Heebo", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Heebo") },
{ family: "Hind", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Hind") },
family: "Hind Madurai",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/HindMadurai"),
family: "Hind Siliguri",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/HindSiliguri"),
family: "IBM Plex Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexMono"),
family: "IBM Plex Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/IBMPlexSans"),
family: "Inconsolata",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inconsolata"),
{ family: "Inter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inter") },
family: "Josefin Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/JosefinSans"),
{ family: "Jost", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Jost") },
{ family: "Kanit", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Kanit") },
{ family: "Karla", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Karla") },
{ family: "Lato", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lato") },
family: "Libre Baskerville",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LibreBaskerville"),
family: "Libre Franklin",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/LibreFranklin"),
{ family: "Lobster", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lobster") },
{ family: "Lora", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lora") },
family: "M PLUS Rounded 1c",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MPLUSRounded1c"),
{ family: "Manrope", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Manrope") },
family: "Maven Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MavenPro"),
family: "Merriweather",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Merriweather"),
family: "Merriweather Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/MerriweatherSans"),
family: "Montserrat",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Montserrat"),
{ family: "Mukta", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mukta") },
{ family: "Mulish", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mulish") },
family: "Nanum Gothic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NanumGothic"),
family: "Noto Color Emoji",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoColorEmoji"),
family: "Noto Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSans"),
family: "Noto Sans Arabic",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansArabic"),
family: "Noto Sans JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansJP"),
family: "Noto Sans KR",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansKR"),
family: "Noto Sans SC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansSC"),
family: "Noto Sans TC",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansTC"),
family: "Noto Serif",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerif"),
family: "Noto Serif JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSerifJP"),
{ family: "Nunito", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Nunito") },
family: "Nunito Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NunitoSans"),
family: "Open Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/OpenSans"),
{ family: "Oswald", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oswald") },
{ family: "Overpass", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Overpass") },
{ family: "Oxygen", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oxygen") },
{ family: "PT Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSans") },
family: "PT Sans Narrow",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSansNarrow"),
{ family: "PT Serif", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSerif") },
{ family: "Pacifico", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Pacifico") },
family: "Playfair Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlayfairDisplay"),
{ family: "Poppins", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Poppins") },
{ family: "Prompt", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Prompt") },
family: "Public Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PublicSans"),
family: "Quicksand",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Quicksand"),
{ family: "Rajdhani", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rajdhani") },
{ family: "Raleway", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Raleway") },
family: "Red Hat Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RedHatDisplay"),
family: "Righteous",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Righteous"),
{ family: "Roboto", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Roboto") },
family: "Roboto Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoCondensed"),
family: "Roboto Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoMono"),
family: "Roboto Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoSlab"),
{ family: "Rubik", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rubik") },
family: "Shadows Into Light",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ShadowsIntoLight"),
family: "Signika Negative",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SignikaNegative"),
family: "Slabo 27px",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Slabo27px"),
family: "Source Code Pro",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SourceCodePro"),
family: "Space Grotesk",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/SpaceGrotesk"),
{ family: "Tajawal", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Tajawal") },
{ family: "Teko", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Teko") },
family: "Titillium Web",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/TitilliumWeb"),
{ family: "Ubuntu", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Ubuntu") },
family: "Varela Round",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/VarelaRound"),
family: "Work Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/WorkSans"),
family: "Yanone Kaffeesatz",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz"),
family: "Zilla Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/ZillaSlab"),

To reduce bundle size, you can limit the selection. Instead of calling getAvailableFonts(), create a file with the following contents and use it as the fonts array:

export const top25 = [
{ family: "Inter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inter") },
{ family: "Kanit", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Kanit") },
{ family: "Lato", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lato") },
{ family: "Lora", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lora") },
family: "Merriweather",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Merriweather"),
family: "Montserrat",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Montserrat"),
{ family: "Mukta", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mukta") },
family: "Noto Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSans"),
family: "Noto Sans JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansJP"),
family: "Noto Sans KR",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansKR"),
{ family: "Nunito", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Nunito") },
family: "Nunito Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NunitoSans"),
family: "Open Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/OpenSans"),
{ family: "Oswald", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oswald") },
{ family: "PT Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSans") },
family: "Playfair Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlayfairDisplay"),
{ family: "Poppins", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Poppins") },
{ family: "Raleway", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Raleway") },
{ family: "Roboto", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Roboto") },
family: "Roboto Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoCondensed"),
family: "Roboto Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoMono"),
family: "Roboto Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoSlab"),
{ family: "Rubik", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rubik") },
{ family: "Ubuntu", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Ubuntu") },
family: "Work Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/WorkSans"),
export const top25 = [
{ family: "Inter", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Inter") },
{ family: "Kanit", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Kanit") },
{ family: "Lato", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lato") },
{ family: "Lora", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Lora") },
family: "Merriweather",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Merriweather"),
family: "Montserrat",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Montserrat"),
{ family: "Mukta", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Mukta") },
family: "Noto Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSans"),
family: "Noto Sans JP",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansJP"),
family: "Noto Sans KR",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NotoSansKR"),
{ family: "Nunito", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Nunito") },
family: "Nunito Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/NunitoSans"),
family: "Open Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/OpenSans"),
{ family: "Oswald", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Oswald") },
{ family: "PT Sans", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PTSans") },
family: "Playfair Display",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/PlayfairDisplay"),
{ family: "Poppins", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Poppins") },
{ family: "Raleway", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Raleway") },
{ family: "Roboto", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Roboto") },
family: "Roboto Condensed",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoCondensed"),
family: "Roboto Mono",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoMono"),
family: "Roboto Slab",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/RobotoSlab"),
{ family: "Rubik", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Rubik") },
{ family: "Ubuntu", load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/Ubuntu") },
family: "Work Sans",
load: () => import("@remotion/google-fonts/WorkSans"),